sleep and settling support
In your home via phone or zoom
What to expect
1 hour phone/zoom consultations can be booked Monday to Friday between 10am and 630pm.
Bookings can be made through the Shop page. *Please note there is a $60 non-refundable booking fee payable on booking. You will receive a call to confirm your booking date and time. Once this is confirmed an email with an invoice will be sent to you and the balance (minus the booking fee) must be paid in full prior to the consult.
* evening and weekend appointments can be arranged and may attract a surcharge.
A number of strategies to settle and care for your baby will be discussed. This will give you the flexibility and confidence to choose the strategy that suis you, your baby and your family.
All consults will include a brief assessment of how your babies growth & development is going and ensure as a parent or caregiver that your Mental Health and Wellbeing are also being looked after. There are many factors that impact sleep and it is important to look at the big picture and consider everything that is going on for you and your baby. As this is only a one hour consult the focus will be on one main goal you have and if further time is required you can book double appointments.
Referrals to other Health Professionals and services may be included in the time Cherith spends with you, as well as written information and resources relevant to your needs. There is no judgement, only support. Parenting is overwhelming at times and sleep deprivation and exhaustion make it difficult to see through to the other side.
what people are saying
catherine & Ali 7 1/2 months
“With Cherith's support, experience and understanding she gave me a pattern and a proper technique on how to settle Ali. With this and counselling support to deal with the depression I was able to calm down, not be so anxious when it came to putting Ali down to sleep and I'm sure this in turn calmed Ali to know that sleep is a good thing.
Cherith was my husband and my saving grace and I can not thank her enough for her help. It was worth investing in her sleep advice and I would recommend it to anyone who is struggling. It will be the best decision for your family.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Cherith”
Sleep services
Sometimes a few changes can make all the difference to how your baby sleeps.
This is a 1 hour consult
A questionnaire for you to complete will be emailed to you prior to the call
After the call, you will receive a summary of the discussion and a plan with strategies
*please note a $60 non refundable booking fee is paid on booking in the shop and the balance of $120 is payable once your date and time for the consult has been booked. You will be emailed an invoice which must be paid in full prior to the booking date.